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20 January 2014

Saying Thank You

Thank you

These past couple of weeks have been super busy and full of stress and anxiety with events, studying for midterms and applying for summer internships. I am so grateful to all of my friends and family who have been there for me during these past few weeks.

I wanted to say Thank You to those who put up with me while I was sleep deprived and stressed and starting thinking about the best way to do that.

Thank You Notes - a simple thank you note can go a long way. It shows that you really appreciate the the person and the time that they took to help you.  I think hand written thank you notes are more sincere then an email because you actually have to take the time to put pen to paper.

Starbucks Gift Card - Show your appreciation for someones time by buying their coffee that day. Even a small amount can go a long way to brightening someones day and showing that you truly appreciate them.

Cookies/Baked Goods - If you are talented in the kitchen (or even if you aren't they have mixes now) its always nice to give homemade goods.  My friend recently lost her phone and had it returned to her by someone in their building. She brought them a plate a cookies as thanks and they were thrilled to receive them.  I find guys especially love receiving homemade baked goods.

Flowers - Flowers are a great way to say thanks. Its always nice to have a fresh bouquet and they are a great thank you to send to someone who might live further away.

What is your favourite way to say Thank You?


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